Some portions of the site are designed only for our active membership
Please proceed to the login page or consider becoming a new member.
User account management
- Account details – lets you change most things – and see transactions from 2020 to end of 2023. We are transitioning to our management company AIM – future details will likely be from them.
Links to conference and member only webinar videos
Note in our recent conferences we show both a scrolling and detailed version of the video list. Detailed looks best on a full screen device, scrolling is designed primarily for cell phones. Scrolling might be interesting for the time you are spending driving – consider playing them like a podcast.
Also note that many have closed captions and transcriptions. The transcriptions are searchable so you can jump to the part of the talk most relevant to your practice.
- Aerodigestive 2023 Member Only Webinars
- Aerodigestive 11th Annual 2023 Conference – Denver
- Aerodigestive 10th Annual 2022 Conference – Quad in Cincinnati
- Aerodigestive 9th Annual 2021 Conference
- Aerdigestive 8th Annual 2020 Conference with SENTAC
Click here for interactive forums. These are not visible to nonmembers – treat it like a discussion at a meeting. While the topics are generally divided by specialty, you are encouraged to ask questions or contribute answers in any of the forums.