What a remarkable last few years it has been. Despite challenges, the Aerodigestive Society and its membership have held two successful meetings and several webinars, awarded grants and presented scientific abstracts. In addition, many of our members and their teams have published peer-reviewed manuscripts on the evolving care of our complex patient population.
Annual membership is now extended for 15 months through January 14, 2024.
You may have been a former member, Fellow, or participant (attendee or lecturer) in one of our recent conferences, or have just heard of our group. We want you to contribute as a vital part of the Aerodigestive Society. Our academic pursuits depend on your participation and support.
If your membership has already been extended through January 2023, you will receive information on your updated renewal. You are free to renew now if you like.
The Aerodigestive Society website (https://aerodigestive.us/) will be the mechanism for collecting dues and sending renewal notices moving forward. While the website remained open to all over the last several years, certain features will be now accessible only with your membership ID and password. These features include video recordings of recent conferences, webinars, selected publications, selected past PowerPoint presentations, and private discussion forums.
However, you are unlikely joining for the website’s attributes, but rather, you are joining to be an integral part of our developing field. Membership confers eligibility to participate in committees, receive a discount on the annual meeting, and move towards Fellowship status with its attendant voting and leadership opportunities. It is our members and Fellows who drive the evolution of aerodigestive medicine.
There are two factors in the price of membership. The first is the category of membership (General vs. Fellow). Most individuals will be general members. Those who have participated in at least three of the last five annual conferences and meet eligibility criteria (please see https://aerodigestive.us/bylaws) may consider membership as a Fellow. Fellows are voting members of the Society, and they may hold office and chair committees. The second factor relates to compensation, and the dues of practicing physicians are higher. Anyone other than practicing physicians is broadly defined as “allied” (includes all trainees).
Please follow one of the following links that would be appropriate for you:
- General, Allied $100 yearly
- Fellow, Allied $160 yearly
- General, Practicing Physician $150 yearly
- Fellow, Practicing Physician $210 yearly
With payment, your membership extends through January 14, 2023
Thank you,
The Aerodigestive Society Board of Directors